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English Language Schools
in the United States of America
you are an international student searching for colleges and universities
offer English language programs or courses in the United States of America
(U.S.A.), you can use this website to find American schools that offer
courses or training programs that fall under the English language proficiency
category, such as English as a Second Language (ESL), Intensive English,
and are interested in recruiting international students.
- Aims Community College (Greeley, Colorado)
- Bunker Hill Community College (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Chatham University (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
- City College of San Francisco (San Francisco, California)
- Glendale Community College (Glendale, Arizona)
- Johnson & Wales University (Providence, Rhode Island)
- Ohio University (Athens, Ohio)
- Phoenix College (Phoenix, Arizona)
- Rio Salado Community College (Tempe, Arizona)
- Santa Monica College (Santa Monica, California)
- Savannah College of Art and Design (Savannah, Georgia)
- Scottsdale Community College (Scottsdale, Arizona)
- Sierra College (Rocklin, California)
- Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, Texas)
- University of Southern Mississippi (Hattiesburg, Mississippi)
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